Your 9-5 can be a blessing or a curse.

I hated my 9-5. Then this happened:

Let me take it back 3 years.

Im 21, I just graduated college and I have absolutely no clue what to do with my life.

To get by, I started working as a bartender for cash while I figured out what to do with my degree.

At this point I was so lost, I had spent college partying and not thinking ahead with any actual plan.

Luckily, I eventually landed a 9-5 job through a friend of mine.

I was excited to finally start working a “real job” and making the most money I ever had at the time.

But, just a few months in and my brain was flooded with thoughts like:

“Is this it?”

“Is this what I dedicated my whole education for?”

“Is this the life path that will take up 70% of my life?”

I was hit hard with a realization.


The job I was in was tedious, mind-numbing hourly wage work that exhausted me mentally.

It was here that I committed to finding a way out.

A way out of working 9-5, being stuck in one location, little freedom to travel or take vacation, little time for myself to do what I enjoy.

It felt like I was being robbed of the joy of my life.

It was here I started brainstorming how to make money online.

I tried everything, drop shipping stores, started clothing brands that I never knew how to market, I was learning trading/stocks, copywriting, reselling, all the “make money online” business models.

And then something worked.

I made my first dollar online selling beats to artists on instagram.

But it wasn’t enough to be able to quit my job.

So, I continued working. And was lost, discouraged for a while.

I kept making beats and tried to grow it into a stream of income.

But I started to get discouraged.

$30 here and there wasn’t enough.

I was so lost at this point I didn’t know what to do.

I tried getting another 9-5 hoping it would be better.

Moved states, away from friends and family thinking it would help me figure things out.

The new job was the same.

Tedious, mind numbing work that I took little enjoyment from.

I thought that that’s just how “work” is, and you should spend your week doing what you hate to be able to enjoy the weekend.

It was here I started networking online.

I met some guys that were working remotely, across the world, seeming to enjoy the work they were doing.

I learned that there’s a path to being a successful entrepreneur that is the best and fastest way to “free” yourself from the traditional “9-5” job.

You see, sales is the only skill that is CRUCIAL in any entrepreneurship endeavor.

Without sales there is no cash.

Without cash there is no business.

I realized the mistake I was making, was that I was trying to run all these businesses, create a product, carry out a service, without actually learning sales first.

Little did I know you could make $6 - figures getting paid to learn sales as your 9-5… REMOTELY.

So, after many applications, I found a remote job in sales where I now am getting paid to master the fundamental skills of business.


The amazing thing is.. I actually enjoy it.

I can actually see how this job contributes to my long term vision of running my own business.
And it’s wonderful.

PLUS, I have the location freedom, time flexibility, enjoyment, motivation, everything I craved from the entrepreneurship dream NOW.

And I have consistent income, whereas I would be broke on the streets if I started without learning this skill first.

Life is good. The journey continues.

My philosophy is, align yourself with a 9-5 that helpd build skills for your entrepreneurship journey like sales and marketing.

Make cash, build skills, and be set for life.

Hope this sheds some clarity.

To your growth,


PS. If this at all resonates with you, shoot me a DM on Twitter, i’d be happy to chat. @chadwillmyers

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