4 Lessons To Instantly Improve you by 25%

Lesson #1: Without clear goals you will naturally waste time. With clear goals you will naturally be productive. Set clear goals with a timeframe attached for maximum productivity.

Lesson #2: Self confidence comes from practice, self worth comes from believing you deserve good life. Don't get them confused. If you think you lack confidence, most likely, you just lack self worth. Fix this first and confidence will come easy.

"We dont rise to our potential, we fall to our level of what we believe we are worthy of." -Jamie, Kern Lima (Worthy)

Lesson #3: People who succeed the most are the the people who fail the most, because they try the most.

Turn rejection into your biggest superpower by reframing how you think about it:
  • Rejection shows you are brave by trying and builds your resilience muscle.
  • Rejection means that God hid your value from that opportunity because it wasn't aligned with your purpose.
  • Rejection = redirection - it points you toward what is better for you that is soon to come.

Lesson #4: Change your life by changing your stories about yourself.

EX: "I am shy because I didn't know what to say to that girl." -> "I am brave because I approached her even when I didn't know what to say"

To your growth,


Read The Myers Manuscript

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