When you feel stuck in life, do this.

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut?

Stagnant in life, not knowing what you want to do with your future, but at the same time not planning ahead for it?

I was lost after I graduated college.

Working a repetitive 9-5 and going out on the weekends started to make my existence mundane and boring.

This routine that I had fallen into started to become my worst enemy.

How can I escape this trap?

What's the next move?

I needed a change.

I wanted a better life.

Freedom, excitement, good experiences...

Not sitting in my dark basement at my computer writing emails.

Months went by and the chains of this routine seemed to tighten.

Each day fueled more and more desire in me for change.

I even started to go on a run in the woods nearby just to feel like i'm "getting away..."

I was dreaming of being free, being an entrepreneur, traveling the world, and breaking a mundane routine that brought me so little meaning in life.

So I started to take action.

It wasn't easy figuring out how to escape the rut I was in.

But after months of trial and error, I figured out a 3 step system that jolted me out so fast I can't even picture being stuck in the same boat ever again.

How to get UNSTUCK in 3 steps:

  1. Set a specific goal.

Setting a goal will give you purpose and motivation.

When I was in this state I set a goal to make $10k a month online.

Suddenly, I had purpose, clarity, a direction to move toward.

Life became vibrant again, felt like a movie.

No longer was I staying stagnant and falling into a trap of a mundane repetitive cycle.

I was moving toward something.

I had meaning, a mission to take on.

Suddenly everything I was watching and reading were applying to my goal.

The key realization I made was that you will make progress just by setting an intention.

Your subconscious will come up with ways to achieve it while you sleep.

"Science tells us that thinking about what you want more of is the first step in actually getting more of it" - The Confident Mind

Set a goal - it doesn't have to be $10k/month, it can be:

  • Lose weight
  • Gain weight
  • Build muscle
  • Become more confident
  • Reduce anxiety

Give yourself a meaningful mission to go on and start treading some new waters.

2. Write down your regrets.

This second one is almost more powerful than the first, but both are important.

What do you regret in life?

The hard truth is that you are where you are because of you.

So being aware of what you regret can help you avoid putting yourself in the same position.

For example for me I regretted not thinking ahead enough.

I regretted spending the whole weekend doing nothing productive and then waking up hungover from a night of drinking.

I regretted not going all in on something and believing in myself.

Once you get clear on your regrets, you become clear on what you need to do to improve and feel pride and joy instead of painful regret.

For me I realized I needed to start thinking ahead.

Stop going out on the weekends and drinking too much.

Start going all in on something and not living life in waiting mode.

"Regret is your guideline" - Wes Watson

3. Make a Strong Change

This 3rd step is optional, but it can be extremely powerful.

When last year I decided to make a change I moved all the way to another state alone.

New job.

New environment.

Time to focus on myself.

I needed a new spark in life.

This made me grow massively for the time I was away.

It showed me I wasn't stuck where I was, that It was possible to do other things, and that I was capable.

Make a change.

Maybe it's not a move for you.

Maybe it's a trip somewhere for a few days alone to spend time thinking ahead.

Maybe it's a new job or role.

Maybe it's cutting out some bad habits or friends entirely.

This is your escape plan.


To your growth,


P.S. Feel free to reply on this email if you're facing a specific struggle, I'd be happy to see how I can help.

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