
Chad's Hidden Notes

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You are not who you think you are, and I'll prove it to you

You are not who you think you are, and I'll prove it to you. Do you know who you are? When most people are asked that question, they say "oh well i'm Chad, or John, or Melissa" But in reality that's just a name that you were given at birth, it has nothing to do with who you actually are. The second thing you might say is, "well, I'm a human being" That is also just a label to describe our body, our organism, which isn't who you are either, you are not your body, if you cut off your arm you...

Once I finished school and entered the real world, I knew I wanted to do something different. But before I realized what that was, I tried out traditional jobs for a while. I had actually worked remotely in the past, but not the type I'm going to explain here. It was a job that required so much of my energy that it didn't feel like I had any freedom. After that, I tried an office job because during those times, I was in such pain and feeling lost that I didn't know what to do. I was so BORED....

Lesson #1: Without clear goals you will naturally waste time. With clear goals you will naturally be productive. Set clear goals with a timeframe attached for maximum productivity. Lesson #2: Self confidence comes from practice, self worth comes from believing you deserve good life. Don't get them confused. If you think you lack confidence, most likely, you just lack self worth. Fix this first and confidence will come easy. "We dont rise to our potential, we fall to our level of what we...

How to avoid getting nowhere in life Imagine this- It’s days before your first interview. You’re overwhelmed with how many questions you need to prepare for to get that job that you want so you can make cash and not be broke. Not knowing what curveballs will be thrown at you is causing your brain to be scattered trying to organize how you will answer these questions. You know you need to spend time preparing, but you can’t seem to get started doing the actual work. This was me back in August...

landscape photography of brown mountain across water

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut? Stagnant in life, not knowing what you want to do with your future, but at the same time not planning ahead for it? I was lost after I graduated college. Working a repetitive 9-5 and going out on the weekends started to make my existence mundane and boring. This routine that I had fallen into started to become my worst enemy. How can I escape this trap? What's the next move? I needed a change. I wanted a better life. Freedom, excitement, good...

a man standing next to a tent on top of a mountain

Hey my good friend, For the largest portion of my 24 years on this planet, I always woke up not wanting to get out of bed, groggy, sleepy, and went through my day with mostly low energy, low self-discipline, and a lack of fulfillment honestly. But then, one night instilled a massive drive in me to start going hardcore disciplined. Start waking up super early, start taking the time back that I had wasted doing nothing, and use it to get ahead in life. Go to the gym, read, get a head start to...

man leaning on plant wall

Look – The reason you feel like others walk all over you don't take you seriously, Take advantage of your niceness and disrespect you in subtle ways, No matter your efforts to improve or change... Is because you are unaware of this one key social dynamic that is keeping you from being respected, dominant, and high status in any social interaction. And effortlessly getting what you want from others, and having them listen to you and take you seriously. Even if you aren't jacked, aren't...

man sitting on floor while using laptop

After college, I had a mind-blowing realization. I couldn't live with the regret of spending my whole life working for someone else. With my painstaking 9-5 doing grunt work for a company that had nothing to do with anything I was interested in... I burnt out. It was here that I had dreams of freedom, travel, being my own boss, not having to report to anyone. So, I spent the short free time I had outside of work researching ways to make money online so I can: Achieve freedom Travel the world...

man sitting on brown wooden chair

“Build a personal brand” “Monetize” “Quit your 9-5” "Freedom" Sounds simple. Until you realize you have no clue how to monetize. If you're like me, when you started out on your entrepreneurship journey, you tried to start a business right away, and didn't see any results, for a while. They told me to learn a high-income skill, so I learned copywriting. They told me to create an offer, so I created an offer. They told me to reach out to potential clients, so I reached out to potential clients....

airplane on sky during golden hour

Friend, As a rebellious college graduate, I wanted to go against the grain of 9-5 life: Start my own business Never work a job again Travel the world But, I didn't see any results for years. I struggled, jumping from side business to side business. I was overwhelmed by how difficult it was to learn 20 skills involved in building a business. It was definitely NOT as easy as the YouTube videos made it seem. I thought I was going to make $10k a month with copywriting, but little did I realize it...